Ever since i was a youngling i have been an avid collector, i collect mostly natural things, although the odd key, nut or bolt has been known to join my natural collections.
i begun as a child by keeping a small wooden cupboard with my little sister, and in this cupboard there was many small sections, we collected flowers, acorns, little bits of moss, amongst other small bits and bobs to add to this cupboard, and each season the collection changed.
i still keep a nature table in my bedroom, i find it a good way to keep track of the seasons, as well as to keep my curiosity and connection with the natural world chugging along throughout my daily life.
This is a great way to involve children with the outdoor world, and encourage a love of plants, seeds, and animals.
The adventures of collecting are unlimited and when your collection grows it becomes something you are very proud of. I hope that my little nature table inspires you to collect your own bits of nature in your homes. A little visual tangible snippet of outside, indoors if you like.......
here are a few photos of my collection from April :-
moss, lichens, bones , dried flowers, egg shells, feathers from a pleasant pheasant, dried mushrooms, a bumble bee amongst other bits and bobs, i collected these over a month or so, i think its a rather beautiful little spring collection and i hope you agree.....
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